2011 Reno

In 2011 we did not have a conference but we did recognize Social Justice Superheroes.



Freida transformed the Dayton Food Pantry into a warm, welcoming spot for volunteers and participants, and turned it in to a place where the entire community can take “ownership” of their community food pantry through volunteer work, organizing fundraisers, offering storage in their business freezers, offering distribution sites, etc. Now every school in Dayton, most clubs, numerous businesses, hundreds of individuals of all ages and abilities, are involved in making the food pantry work. This has allowed people to receive emergency food whenever they need it Mon-Fri, and to receive more fresh produce. It has also allowed people to gain new job skills and to maintain/create connections to other people. The food pantry is truly what its motto declares: “Freely we share.” If you would like to help contribute to Freida’s cause, you can contact her at FreedaCA@aol.com

Please visit the website Healthy Communities Coalition to learn more about the collaboration of nearly one-hundred groups and hundreds of community volunteers that agree to work together so that all members of our communities in Lyon, Storey, and Mineral have opportunities to thrive.


Kari exemplifies a Social Justice Super Hero with her constant and unwavering commitment to social justice. Not only does Kari perform duties associated with her position as Outreach Coordinator by traveling the state and nation educating about sexual violence awareness and prevention, but she is also a volunteer for one of the local domestic violence program and the local sexual assault advocacy program. Kari is also a mentor for young girls and recently shaved her head (her hair was at least 20 inches long) in support of a local children’s cancer charity. Kari is a positive, empowering, and effective person who makes our community, state, and country and better place. She LIVES social justice and is a Social Justice Super Warrior Princess! If you would like to contribute to her cause, you can contact her at outreach@ncasv.org

Visit the Nevada Coalition Against Sexual Violence to learn more about this organization that enhances the abilities of service providers through training, education, public policy, networking and technical assistance while promoting sexual violence awareness throughout the state. For more information, call (775) 355-2220


To learn more about the event, click here to download our 2011 Social Justice Press Release